- info@delaymyauction.com
- 888-291-7327
Special Programs
Special Programs
Alternatives for your home are only a few clicks away. The solution is the solution you choose. We are here to assist you, and cover as many alternatives as possible for your specific situation. There is almost no problem we haven’t seen in the last 24 years of business. You may be facing a divorce and could potentially lose the home. We can step in and pay your spouse the amount required for you to take full ownership. You could be days away from the auction, and need immediate help with loan correction funds to stop the sale. This is a common solution, but timing is critical for this option to work. Additional options include:
- Loan Correction Funding
- Bankruptcy
- Divorce
- Relocation Assistance
- Renovation Funding
Complete a no obligation call with us and see what solutions are available. Take a look at the solutions, and come back when you feel we are the best option for you. At a minimum, you will be educated for further conversations with any solicitors or opportunities regarding your home.

About Us
Our highly skilled and compassionate team have over two decades of experience. We are uniquely positioned, and dedicated, to help you achieve the best possible outcome for your specific situation.
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